Well, I'm home. I arrived safely home last night after a long day of travel. The flights were flawless; couldn't have asked for smoother travel. No delays, no issues, just sarcasm and security. Just another blessing to add to the list.
As I'm currently trying to recover from jet lag, I am going back through all of my pictures from the last month (all 981 of them) and replaying each day in my head. All of the lessons learned, funnies said, and memories made still seem like yesterday, and I intend to keep it that way. Ever since I left Richmond's airport, I have been bragging to anyone I talk to about the wonderful month I spent in central Europe. They just smile politely and agree that it was quite an opportunity, but only those of us who share that bond completely understand. And that is something that I know we all value; something that we will never lose.
It is still sad to think that the trip is over. It was weird going to bed last night after not seeing anyone from our group in over six hours. I missed it already. I missed laughing at Cody's mezzo mix addiction. I missed giggling with Lindsey about our lisps in our retainers before bed. I missed Anne telling a story because they always made me laugh, and I missed Keifer's comments about the dysfunctional nature of our group. I missed attempting to start ab work with Stephanie after our afternoon pastry. I missed competing with Elliot to see who could be more awkward. I missed our ridiculous dinner conversations. I missed walking the streets of beautiful cities. I missed hearing a muffled "ay yo frauline" coming from one of the guys. But most of all, I missed the bond all of us created.
But now it is what I think about, laugh about, and smile about. I learned so much on this trip-- about the course, and about myself. Our little group made it so easy to get close, which is really what is need when studying such a hard topic as the Holocaust. You really do need that support group there, it keeps you sane. But regardless, this was hands down the best class I've ever had. I learned more that I could have ever imagined in those few weeks together. I would highly recommend it to anyone I come in contact with. The world is a classroom; but there is something good about learning, not behind the desk.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
January 31, 2013
Our last day out and about was greeted by beautiful
sunshine! It was a perfect note to go out on. We had two places to stop at
today and it was a beautiful day for it.
Our first stop was the Holocaust Museum, one of the best
I’ve ever been to. The information was clear and honest, also reminded the
visitors that people in Budapest helped and hurt the Jewish population during
1944 and 1945. There were many stories of survivors that were spread throughout
the museum. It also had sound effects that would echo throughout the building,
which gave it a creepy yet realistic effect. For example, the sound of people
walking was heard by the images of death marches. Very good effect, but very
creepy at the same time.
We ended the day early in preparation of tomorrow’s travels.
Although the trip is over for the most part, I will always cherish what I have
learned on this trip!
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
January 30, 2013
Welcome to Budapest, Hungary! We arrived early this
afternoon after a peaceful train ride across the border. This is a lovely
country too—many buildings resemble the architecture of the ones in Vienna. Even
in the misty rain, everything was just as breathtaking.
After grabbing lunch once we arrived to avoid keeling over
from starvation, we walked across one of the bridges that goes over the Danuee
River and connects the former cities of Buda and Pest. We took a trolley up to
a beautiful castle that sat on the edge of the mountain, looking over the city.
It was located in what used to be controlled by the Germans in 1944. After
taking some super touristy pictures, we headed back down the mountain and took
the subway under the river to where the Parliament building is located. The sun
was quickly setting, the rain was falling harder, and we still had one stop
down the street. Classy as always, we jumped the guardrails, giggling and
laughing about God knows what, but fell silent as soon as we realized what we
were looking at. On the edge of the concrete walkway, looking over the
riverbank, were dozens of bronze shoes-- a memorial for Jews that were shot
into the river by Hungarian police in the 1940’s.
There were men, women, and children shoes. Scattered in
pairs, some with candles burning inside of them. Right on the edge. Where we
were standing. Then it hit me; this wasn’t a memorial in remembrance, not a
museum with pieces of their lives. This was a killing site. I was standing
where so many innocent people screamed, cried, or took their last breath. I
began to picture it. Gunshot. They’d fall into the river. Sink or float down
shores, depending on what the weather would have been. Then I looked at the
shoes. They could have been left. People could have been shot clear out of
their shoes. And that’s all that’s left of them. A memorial of bronze shoes
attached to the edge of a beautiful river walkway.
I was glad it was raining at this point. It seemed like the
sky was crying for such a terrible tragedy. Or maybe I was. I guess I’ll never
know. I was weak in the knees, and my stomach was in knots anyway. I wish I
could go back in time and reverse what happened. But still, I can’t help but
think of the police who shot them. Surely, this took its own toll on them. No one
can be completely heartless to not feel pity, or even regret later on. No one
could be that mean. Could they?
As powerful as this memorial was, it definitely was one of
the best things we have seen since we arrived in Central Europe. In the midst
of all of this sadness, it puts me at peace to see something meaningful for the
first time in a while.
January 29, 2013
Our last day in Vienna! What a sad statement. I have enjoyed
this way too much to believe it is already coming to an end. On our last day,
we took a very interesting and thought-provoking walking tour of the first,
second and third districts. Our first point of business included walking around
Jewish neighborhoods prior to the war. It was very interesting to see how the
neighborhoods have changed into warehouses and businesses and sixty years ago
families lived there.
Next, we wandered around the three districts looking for
plaques that commemorated the Holocaust and the devastation that occurred. One
of the plaques remembered a school that was opened for only three months for
Jewish children. One building was a holding camp for 300 hundred Jews that
could probably only comfortably hold 100. An apartment used to belong to a
family that was robbed, deported and murdered (can you imagine living there
now?). An art studio used to be a synagogue where Jews came to worship. It is
really hard to imagine the lives of these people that are barely remembered. It
is also hard to imagine living in these places now, knowing what happened. This
is probably why so few things are recorded and commemorated. Who would want to continue on with their
lives knowing awful things happened and so many lives and hearts were broken.
But it still needs to be remembered. It’s the least that we
could do. That’s why it was frustrating to see these tiny little plaques hidden
on the ground, where people will only see them if they are looking.
That’s the most frustrating part. A city filled with so much
history, and you have to look to find
it. To me, that’s absurd. The only way to learn from past mistakes is to
recognize shortcomings. It is plain to see that some of the places we have
visited recently are having a hard time putting these mistakes into words. As
for the rest of us trying to study the culture and the Holocaust, maybe it is
the lack of words that says it all. And maybe it is our responsibility to make
sure something gets done with it.
January 28, 2013
As our days in Vienna are winding down, so are the things we
do each day! Today, the only stop on our agenda was the Military History
Museum. In a beautiful, winter wonderland walk to the museum in fresh fallen
snow, I thought back on how wonderful this trip has been. I have learned so
much—things I can’t even imagine learning about in a classroom. I am truly
blessed for this experience.
I am also blessed in the aspect of being able to recognize
good museums from bad ones. Not that the military history museum was bad, it just did a bad job on explaining
anything. It jumped through eras in history, faster than you would skip rocks
on a lake. I learned more from the room summarization papers that were given
out in each room. I don’t mean to be ridiculously negative, but I think that
they did not do a good job of educating people that come to learn more about
Austria’s military in past wars.
Franz Ferdinand's uniform |
It was cool, and yet, really gross to see Franz Ferdinand’s
bloody and cut up uniform that he was wearing when he was assassinated. They
also had the car that he was riding in on display too. It was really gross to
see bloody stains that are almost one hundred years old, but at the same time,
it was neat to see the remnants of something that sparked World War One.
The rest of today has been pretty chill. I just hung around
the hotel doing a little pre-packing for later this week when we head to
Budapest, Hungary. I can’t believe we are in the last week of this trip, but I
am looking forward to the rest of what is planned.
January 27, 2013
This weekend we were out and about braving the cold once
again. With a high of ten degrees, we walked (and shivered!) as we walked
Vienna. We were happy to start later on Saturday so we could sleep in for a bit
longer. Our first stop was brief at the Maria am Gestade—a beautiful but small
catholic church that was located right in the middle of Vienna's first district.
JudenPlatz |
After that, we walked a couple of blocks to JudenPlatz. This
square was supposed to be in memory of the Jews and the Holocaust but it did a
worse job than the museum did on Friday in Slovakia. The memorial was a large
concrete… umm, well for lack of better words, box. It looked like a storage
unit or some type of structure that contained utilities for the surrounding
buildings. The closer we got to it; we realized that it was designed as books,
lined up as if on a bookshelf. However, we have no idea why books were
representing the Jews. The longer we stood in this square, the angrier we got.
In a city that lost so much due to the Holocaust, their attempt to commemorate those
poor people was awful. It’s as if Austria is just playing pretend and
covering up what really happened. Everything we have seen up to this point
finally came together. Berlin accepted the responsibility of remembering one of
the worst times in history, but Vienna, who’s Jewish culture was similar to
Berlin, can’t seem to make it right. Not that it ever could be right. Nothing
could ever make that right.
As quickly as we began to fume about the lack of remembrance
in Vienna, our moods quickly flipped as we approached the higher end of the
city, passing tons and tons of shops that I could only dream of being able to
afford. I laughed at the guys drooling over watches that cost more than a small
fortune. But karma always makes its payback so when we walked around the corner
and I did a little dance in the middle of the street because there was a Tiffany’s
and Co. store, I couldn’t really say anything when they all just rolled their
eyes. A girl can dream…
Up the street from the glitzy section of town, is the
Hofburg—the city palace. This palace was interesting in the amount of detail it
had. The entire first section (and it was huge) displayed dishes that were used
in the palace. I never realized how many dishes were used in one day! After
roaming through rooms and rooms of dishes and feeling like I was in Beauty and
the Beast, we entered another section of the palace and explored the rooms and
the life of the wife of Franz Josef, Elisabeth, and his mistress, Sisi. They
weren’t as big, but equally as beautiful as the rooms at Schloss Schonbrunn. We
saw the rooms where Elisabeth spent a majority of her time, avoiding her
husband and beautifying her image. Its crazy to think about someone, who lives
in such a beautiful place, lived such a miserable life.
For the second time since we arrived in Europe, the sun came
out when we were leaving the palace. We hurried to the bus station, grab a
sandwich to go, and jumped on the bus to ride to the top of the mountain to
look out over Vienna. Twenty minutes of curvy, cobblestones roads through a
quaint little village that turned into snowy hills and trees took us to the
top. And when we got there; oh man, it was wonderful. The sun was shining,
everything was white, and it was perfect. Even in spite of the haze, nothing
could have made the breathtaking view better.
After a coffee and a croissant (I love croissants) we
headed back down into Vienna. We went into the Cathedral that we climbed
several days before. It was even prettier inside than it was up the 300 and
some steps. There was an orchestra playing, which echoed throughout the entire
building. I could have just stayed there the whole day and marveled at every
tiny detail that made this place as lovely as it was. So beautiful.
We had a bit of a break before we trolleyed (see what I did
there?!) across Vienna to the best dinner I think I have ever had. SO much
Austrian food, SO good. It was a cute little place; I probably would have
appreciated it more if I wasn’t already inhaling the deliciousness of my
plate-- juicy meat, hearty dumplings, fresh veggies, and sweet sauerkraut. If
you aren’t drooling yet, well, you’re not human.
Today involved a lot of… umm… food. We went to a gigantic
brunch at a ritzy hotel on the other side of the city. Completely with a meat,
seafood, cheese and dessert bar, we carelessly gorged ourselves until we
physically could not lift our fork to our mouths. It was to the point where we
didn’t want to let any food go to waste. So plates stacked up, as our stomachs
got fuller and fuller. It was glorious, until the pain kicked in. Painfully, we
used all of our energy standing up, then waddled like pregnant women out of the
hotel, down the long sidewalk to the
trolley that would take us to the Wien Museum.
The Wien Museum was actually really cool. It was all about
life in Vienna. It showed games that many Viennese played over the years,
models of the city during different time periods, and pieces of St. Stephan’s Cathedral
that was damaged during the war.
By the end of the museum, we were all struggling not to
collapse into a food coma. We waddled back to the hotel, where my bed
immediately consumed me for two hours, sleeping off the food. I was so excited
to sleep, that I didn’t realized until after my nap that we left the keys in
the door when came back! Sometimes, I really do concern myself, but nothing
beats that nap.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
January 25, 2013
They say, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” Well, when in
Bratislava, Slovakia, I
suggest just being thankful that you are only there for a day is enough. We met
to go to the train station at 8:30. We were extremely happy that our meeting
time was pushed back an hour, as it originally was supposed to be at 7:30. We
aren’t morning people.
Even though our time was pushed back, we still sat in
silence waiting at the station. We waited for twenty minutes in a waiting room,
or what resembled a glass box to stay warm in the 19-degree weather with a ten-degree
wind chill. IPods on, headphones in. Wait. Shiver. Wait.
The hour train ride to Slovakia was a bit of a daze. (I
think the cold is starting to get to our heads!) I continued to listen to my iPod
and watched the city turn into beautiful snow covered countryside. As we were
riding along, I couldn’t help but think what it would be like to wake up and
look at this every single morning. Right on cue, and typically enough, every
song from the Sound of Music began running through my head. For the remainder
of the ride, I think I forgot that I am Morgan; not Lisle von Trappe. But we
can blame that on the cold, too.
Once we arrived in Bratislava, things got interesting. We
needed to take the public trolley up a hill to our visit site of the day. After
several passed us, it was very exciting to finally see ours come around the
corner. We crammed in the last possible standing and breathable places on the
trolley. But before we could breath a sign of relief that we were in a warm
place, we suddenly realized that we were experiencing the next Olympic
sport—Trolley Balancing. It is a combination of surfing and bull riding. The
event starts by the trolley driver flooring the gas pedal and all contenders
must remain balanced on two feet for the remainder of the jerky ride. Unfortunately,
our class will not qualify for this event without a lot more practice. The
locals tried not to laugh but couldn’t help as we flew back and forth across
the aisle of the trolley.
Laughing as we piled off of the trolley, we breathless took
in the beautiful castle that was standing before us. A very old castle that had
been restored to a huge white castle that looks over the rest of the city. The view
was amazing despite the haze from the snow. We made a video blog and took
another group picture with our banner and headed back into town for lunch.
Spending multiple hours embracing all the heat that we can,
we enjoyed Slovak cuisine. I got a traditional dish called goulash, which had
pork, dumplings, and a sauce with a pop. It was so good; I forgot to take a
picture before I started eating half of it. Oops! The restaurant was adorable
with its mix-matched walls straight out of the 1970’s. It created a warm
(figuratively and literally) atmosphere and once again, I just sat back and
laughed at how many awkward conversations can come up at the table. Its to a
point now on this trip where is it a game to see how they come up and how long
they last. Not that they offend me, but you seriously have to sit back and
wonder how many people surrounding us can understand the weirdest topics of
conversation I have ever heard. Like I said, I just sit back and laugh.
Once we decided to brave the cold again, we wandered to the
place of a former Jewish synagogue in Bratislava. We learned after the war,
this damaged building was torn down and replaced with a highway. This
foreshadowed what we would learn at the Jewish Museum—which was very little.
The Jewish population in the Slovak community at the
beginning of the 1940’s held 25% of the entire population, which was completely
wiped out by the end of the war. The Slovak’s knew they had to teach the
history of Orthodox Jews in Slovakia but they didn’t know how. They had some
artifacts from Jewish households that perished during the war but they never
actually addressed the Holocaust. This was becoming a theme at exhibits we are
beginning to look at. Many places try to addresses the horror, but honestly, it
almost turns out worse than not addressing it at all.
The rest of the day was spent in and out of pastry shops and
the mall to see the classy end of Bratislava. We decided it would be a better
decision to head back to Vienna to get dinner instead of waiting around for
dinner in Bratislava. In the midst of this decision, we realized that we only
had fifteen minutes to get all the way back to the train station, if we didn’t
want to wait around an hour for the next train to Vienna. Our (extreme) power
walking turned into a full on sprint by the time we reached the station. We
rushed past the rush hour crowd and found our train just in time. Unfortunately,
in all the commotion, we suddenly realized that we lost one of our classmates.
So off the train we went, to decide to get back on the train and we would just
meet them in Vienna. At the very last second, Elliot is accounted for and we
all burst into laughing tears as (once again) we get the “Oh, those are
Americans” stares.
This is what we put up with everyday. We get a little too
loud, act silly, get stared at, but I wouldn’t change a thing. I own the title
of “those Americans” and I love our flawless dysfunctionality.
Monday, January 28, 2013
January 24, 2013
Schloss Schonbrunn |
There is nothing better than waking up and imagining your
life as a princess. Today, we went to Schloss Schonbrunn—a huge palace with
1441 rooms, but only 40 are open to visitors. Originally, Emperor Leopold of
Austria commissioned it, but Empress Maria Theresia and her husband expanded it
to what it is today. We were able to view rooms such as the studies, dining
room, bedrooms, meeting rooms, parlors, and my favorite, the grand ballroom. It
was so pretty with very embellished decorations, tons of candle chandlers and
huge mirrors and windows that gave the room an endless dimension, not that it
needed that. It is the largest palace in Austria, and equally the most visited
attraction in Vienna.
![]() |
The Tower of the Cathedral that I climbed |
After our tour, we walked around the garden properties for a
bit, even though we really couldn’t see anything as it was covered with snow.
We still enjoyed the view until the cold helped make the decision that it was
time to head back for lunch. We stopped for a quick lunch at a local
attraction, McDonalds, (haha!) before four of us braved almost 300 steps up the
steeple in one of the old churches. We laughed at the thought of making it to
the top and sliding down the spiral staircase, bouncing off the walls and
knocking people down as we fell. Laughing definitely made it easier to ignore
the burn in our legs as we skipped up the stairs. The view from the top of all
of the snow-covered roofs reinforced our prior decision of exercise. To cancel
out the calories that we just burned, we stopped for pasties and coffee once
again. I’m at the point where I am telling myself that if there is some type of
fruit involved, it is automatically healthy. For some reason though, I don’t
think that is the case.
Later that night, a few of us went ice-skating on a huge
rink and an ice path that curved through the trees in front of the city hall.
Ignoring the fact that I absolutely love ice-skating, it was so lovely skating
under the stars and the glistening lights of the city. It was my first time ice skating somewhere other than in an indoor rink and it was so fun! It took some getting used to though, as the ice wasn't flat, which made it very tricky to go fast without completely wiping out. After a while, I stopped caring and just took it in. At first, I was worried that it was too cold to stay out for very long, but as soon as I skated a completely circle around the course, I forgot that it was 10 degrees outside. It was definitely a
night to remember!
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
January 23, 2013
Dr. Moser set some pretty high standards while we were in
Germany, always saying that the Austrians do it better. We all just laughed it
off, nodding that he had a pride of his homeland. It really became a joke that
Austria would have better pastries, the public transportation would be more
punctual and we would actually see people smile. But goodness, there is not a
statement to describe our shock when we arrived yesterday to find out that he
wasn’t lying. Vienna is absolutely breathtaking!
An early morning yesterday made for a quiet ride on the
plane. We arrived in Vienna around 10 in the morning and had just enough time
to drop our stuff off at our hotel before we went out and started our tour of
the city. We walked, talked, and tried not to drool over the beautiful
architecture. We passed many sites such as the Austrian Parliament building,
the local University, several cathedrals, the popular opera house and art
At one point during our walk, our southerness/lack of snow
experiences got the best of us and, as a class, built our newest Austrian
snow-friend, I’m sure the people passing by stared at the group of American
college kids frolicking in the snow, but we were so in the moment of laughing
and being ridiculous, not one of us looked away for a second. This is one of
the reasons that I am thankful for the wonderful group of people I am spending
my time with.
Later on, we experience what it is really like to be
Austrian. At an extremely lavish but yet not too overdone café, we were treated
to the afternoon meal of pastries and coffee. We sipped our Austrian coffee and
savored the sweet taste of the best pastry I think I have ever had. That
evening, we also ate Weiner schnitzel—a traditional Austrian dish. Everything
was superb.
This morning, however, shifted back to the discussion of
this course. We visited the Vienna Central Cemetery, which is a burial ground
for different religions. It is for public use even though there is a military
section and has many distinguished people buried there. Each religion has a separate
section and we viewed how the Jewish section was basically neglected as very
few descendants were left after the war. This is something that the city just
recognized as something they need to help take care of.
The rest of the day, we roamed the first district in search
of coffee and cute cafes. Even though the Berlin weather has seemed to follow
us, I still can’t wait to see the rest of the city!
January 23, 2013
Dr. Moser set some pretty high standards while we were in
Germany, always saying that the Austrians do it better. We all just laughed it
off, nodding that he had a pride of his homeland. It really became a joke that
Austria would have better pastries, the public transportation would be more
punctual and we would actually see people smile. But goodness, there is not a
statement to describe our shock when we arrived yesterday to find out that he
wasn’t lying. Vienna is absolutely breathtaking!
An early morning yesterday made for a quiet ride on the
plane. We arrived in Vienna around 10 in the morning and had just enough time
to drop our stuff off at our hotel before we went out and started our tour of
the city. We walked, talked, and tried not to drool over the beautiful
architecture. We passed many sites such as the Austrian Parliament building,
the local University, several cathedrals, the popular opera house and art
At one point during our walk, our southerness/lack of snow
experiences got the best of us and, as a class, built our newest Austrian
snow-friend, I’m sure the people passing by stared at the group of American
college kids frolicking in the snow, but we were so in the moment of laughing
and being ridiculous, not one of us looked away for a second. This is one of
the reasons that I am thankful for the wonderful group of people I am spending
my time with.
Later on, we experience what it is really like to be
Austrian. At an extremely lavish but yet not too overdone café, we were treated
to the afternoon meal of pastries and coffee. We sipped our Austrian coffee and
savored the sweet taste of the best pastry I think I have ever had. That
evening, we also ate Weiner schnitzel—a traditional Austrian dish. Everything
was superb.
This morning, however, shifted back to the discussion of
this course. We visited the Vienna Central Cemetery, which is a burial ground
for different religions. It is for public use even though there is a military
section and has many distinguished people buried there. Each religion has a separate
section and we viewed how the Jewish section was basically neglected as very
few descendants were left after the war. This is something that the city just
recognized as something they need to help take care of.
The rest of the day, we roamed the first district in search
of coffee and cute cafes. Even though the Berlin weather has seemed to follow
us, I still can’t wait to see the rest of the city!
Monday, January 21, 2013
January 21, 2013
Our time in Berlin is already over. That makes me so
overwhelmingly sad to leave such a beautiful country, but even more excited to
see what Austria will have for us! The last two days have been shorter than the
previous week but just as wonderful.
On Sunday, we visited the film museum and learned about Nazi
propaganda in films in the 1930’s- 1940’s. That was very interesting to see how
politics played their role in entertainment. They also had an exhibit on Sesame
Street and I enjoyed the stroll down memory lane. In the afternoon, we visited
the technical museum and saw a cattle car that could have been used during the
holocaust. As hard as it was to imagine it jammed packed with crying, tired and
scared people, it scared me when I could imagine a train of cattle cars driving
through the country, and knowing no one stopped it before it got to the final
destination of a concentration camp.
In addition to packing and last minute souvenir shopping, we
visited the biggest Jewish synagogue still standing in Berlin. Over half of it had
been destroyed and never fixed. However, I found it very interesting that the
synagogue saved some pieces of the stained glass and pieces it back together as
best as they could so visitors could get an accurate imagination of how
beautiful this place used to be.
Two nights of fabulous dinner filled with laughter and
nonsense have absolutely worn me out. I will always cherish my time in Germany
but will be restless (in my sleep!) in anticipation for Austria!
January 19, 2013
Wow, is it really already Saturday?! This week has flown by
so far! And yes, now I’m sure that the lack of sleep from the beginning of the
week has DEFINITELY caught up to all of us. Sleeping in public places seems to
be a trend…
The past two days have not been as busy as the beginning of
the week was. Yesterday, we woke up a little bit later (yay!) and left for the
Jewish Museum around 9:15 a.m. At the museum, we learned about the entire
Jewish history—the origin, beliefs and practices, the first persecutions, and
of course, the genocide in the 1940’s.
It was a very interesting museum; it shared some information about the
religion that I never knew about. As a child in school, I did learn about how
they were persecuted and I knew a little bit about the religious from inquiring
growing up in church. Even though we hit a rough spot in the museum where our
morning coffees had seemed to run out of our systems, this museum was a really
good place to expand our depth of understanding as we continued through the
course of studying Jewish culture.
After the museum, we decided to reenergize with a quick
lunch at a sandwich shop on the way to the Berlin Tower. When we got to the
tower, we stood in line for security (where the workers decided it would be
beneficial to them to confiscate our drinks that we just bought) and
continuously laughed at the ridiculous comments that we kept making. We were
surprised to feel our ears popping as we rose up six meters per second up 268
meters to the top of the tower. It was so neat to see the entire city and try
and locate some of the sites that we’ve already gone to. Plus, we enjoyed the
perfect people watching opportunities.
The rest of the day we spent roaming around the city before
we made it back to our hotel to leave and go to an Indian restaurant. Every one
of us is always completely exhausted by dinnertime so now it is just a joke of
people falling asleep at the table. However, it was particularly hard last
night as the service at the restaurant was slower than the rest of the
non-rushing places to eat. Good thing it was only around the corner from our
Today was very cold. Like the kind of cold that doesn’t every
leave your body. But we handled it just fine as we spent the entire morning in
the German History Museum. This has to be one of the best museums I have ever
been too. It had SO much information, but quality stuff! I was extra excited to
see a whole section about Martin Luther and how he worked with the German
churches when he nailed the 95 Theses to the Wittenberg church doors.

We quickly examined the rest of the exhibits as we realized
that we had been there for almost four hours and we needed food to resist the
urge to sleep… again. On the way to the Berliner Dom, we stopped at a roadside
stand and all treated our stomachs to currywurst that was quite delicious!! We had
to eat it in the freezing temperatures so there was a ton of laughing as we got
it all over us in the rush to eat it. We fought the cold and the pigeons,
completely satisfied with our wonderful lunch and headed to the Berliner Dom.

However, much to my disappointment (but a thrill to everyone
else) I did not enjoy going to the crypt in the basement of the church. After
about five seconds down there, I realized that I was surrounded by what seemed
like hundreds of corpses in elaborate coffins and I could not handle it.
Everyone laughed as I tried to get out of there as fast as I could. I don’t
think I will ever live that one down. But at least, looking back on it, I didn’t
end up having to stay down there surrounded by dead royalty. That is what I
call serious misfortune.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
January 16, 2013
Next, we headed to the Brandenburg Gate. This was one of my
favorite stops because this is a site that I have seen through different
textbooks throughout the years. We had tons of photo opportunities at this
historic site. Then, right down the street, we spent a good amount of time
taking in Berlin’s Holocaust Memorial.
After I did my presentation on the history of this site, we zigzagged
through the stones and went to the information center, which is located
underneath the memorial. In there, we read stories about some of the victims
that were left through things such as postcards, letters and journal entries. This
was extremely moving and hard to comprehend beyond words that are
indescribable. To see stories of families that were completely wiped out by the
genocide and their awareness to their fate was extremely sobering. As a group,
this memorial moved us all.
Soon after, we walked a couple of blocks and officially
exchanged our American money for the Euro, which we used when we stopped for
lunch and learned some German eating out etiquette. After lunch, we grabbed a quick pastry
(butter croissants are SO good) on the way to the ghost subway stations that
monitored access between East and West Berlin. After a short walk up the stairs
and across the street, we went to see and touch the ruins of the Berlin Wall.
It was crazy to see how much space was between the two areas and how the city
now forms around where the wall used to stand as they knocked buildings down to
make room for the borders. There was a small portion of land that was actually
preserved and is part of the actual Berlin Wall that is used for visitors to
get a feel of how the city was divided.
For the rest of the day, we wandered through stores in one
of Europe’s most prestigious shopping centers. At this point we realized we
were all exhausted and were able to have a quick rest before heading back over
to the East for dinner at a very authentic German restaurant—full of meat and
potatoes. YUM.
Even though we all were practically sleep walking back to
the hotel, it was a great first day! I can’t wait to explore the rest of the
city and share these experiences with new friends.
January 15, 2013
Snow in Amsterdam.
Delays and Cancellations only mean more boarding passes.
It was raining when we left Richmond.
After spending 26 hours of traveling, countless delays,
cancellations, rebooking, and finding our luggage, we have all safely made it
to Berlin! Although our first day was mostly spent in the Amsterdam airport due
to snow, it was still a fun day. We all bonded over playing cards, talks about
school, and the common ground of exhaustion. Even after our seven-hour flight
from Detroit to Amsterdam, we were all definitely relieved to finally be back
on a plane again en route to Berlin.
Once we arrived, we got checked into our hotel, located in
West Berlin, freshened up, and quickly made our way to East Berlin for some
delicious Asian cuisine. We enjoyed dinner (and the fact that we finally
arrived!) before eventually bundling up and walking around for a bit and looking
at some places that we have talked about in class and will go visit later in
the week.
Even though we enjoyed ourselves today, there was nothing
better than retreating to our home away from home for a nice long night.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
January 13, 2013
Tomorrow. Less than 24 hours. In 19 hours, 34 minutes and 39... 38... 37.... seconds.
Tomorrow. It is pretty insane to think that this time tomorrow I will be boarding the plane in Detroit for one long flight to Europe. After months of anticipation, it is almost here!
I am extremely excited. Ignore the fact that I get rather excited over the smallest things because this is no small "thing". This is going to study for nineteen days on site of things that I have spent a large portion of my childhood learning about. What an opportunity. I am so lucky.
In preparation, our class has watched the Winds of War television mini-series, Rosenstrasse, The Third Man and One, Two, Three, and read "Still Alive" by Ruth Kluger and "An Underground Life" by Gad Beck. Our week of class on campus included reviewing these materials and anxiously talking about what we will see. For the few of us that do not know German, we did learn how to answer when asked how we are-- gut!
I am spending my last day in the States packing the last few things for this trip. Even though I packed my suitcase last weekend before returning to campus, my carry on and "personal item" desperately need attention. And knowing me, that will probably take an eternity. I would never be able to pack and go without some sort of long agonizing debate. And long and agonizing is not exaggerated in the least.
Speaking of which, I should probably get back to that. In the meantime, the countdown continues!
Tomorrow. It is pretty insane to think that this time tomorrow I will be boarding the plane in Detroit for one long flight to Europe. After months of anticipation, it is almost here!
I am extremely excited. Ignore the fact that I get rather excited over the smallest things because this is no small "thing". This is going to study for nineteen days on site of things that I have spent a large portion of my childhood learning about. What an opportunity. I am so lucky.
In preparation, our class has watched the Winds of War television mini-series, Rosenstrasse, The Third Man and One, Two, Three, and read "Still Alive" by Ruth Kluger and "An Underground Life" by Gad Beck. Our week of class on campus included reviewing these materials and anxiously talking about what we will see. For the few of us that do not know German, we did learn how to answer when asked how we are-- gut!
I am spending my last day in the States packing the last few things for this trip. Even though I packed my suitcase last weekend before returning to campus, my carry on and "personal item" desperately need attention. And knowing me, that will probably take an eternity. I would never be able to pack and go without some sort of long agonizing debate. And long and agonizing is not exaggerated in the least.
Speaking of which, I should probably get back to that. In the meantime, the countdown continues!
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